Photo by Colin M. Gould
  1. Rademacher complexity regularization for correlation-based multiview representations learning.
    M. Kuschel, T. Hasija and T. Marrinan. (to appear)
    Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), (2024).
    Preprint PDF
    Code package available: (at SST Group Github)
  2. Deep learning from noisy labels via robust nonnegative matrix factorization-based design
    D. G. Wolnick, S. Ibrahim, T. Marrinan, X. Fu
    Proc. IEEE International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing, (CAMSAP), (2023).
    Preprint PDF
  3. Geodesic-based relaxation for deep canonical correlation analysis.
    M. Kuschel, T. Hasija and T. Marrinan.
    Proc. IEEE 33rd International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP), (2023).
    Preprint PDF
    Code package available: (at SST Group Github)
  4. A GLRT for estimating the number of correlated components in sample-poor mCCA.
    T. Hasija and T. Marrinan.
    Proc. IEEE 30th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), (2022): 2091-2095).
    Preprint PDF
    Code package available: (at SST Group Github)
  5. On a minimum enclosing ball of a collection of linear subspaces.
    T. Marrinan
    , P.-A. Absil, and N. Gillis.
    Linear Algebra and its Applications 625 (2021): 248-278.
    Code package available: Grassmannian Minimum Enclosing Ball (GMEB) code
  6. Hyperspectral unmixing with rare endmembers via minimax nonnegative matrix factorization.
    T. Marrinan and N. Gillis.
    Proc. IEEE 28th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), (2021): 1015-1019.
    Code package available: minimax NMF code
  7. Determining the Dimension and Structure of the Subspace Correlated Across Multiple Data Sets.
    T. Hasija, T. Marrinan, C. Lameiro, and P. J. Schreier.
    Signal Processing (2020)
    Preprint PDF
    Code package available: (at SST group Github)
  8. Estimating the Number of Correlated Components Based on Random Projections.
    C. Lameiro, T. Hasija, T. Marrinan, and P. J. Schreier.
    Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), (2019): 5152-5156.
  9. Complete Model Selection in Multiset Canonical Correlation Analysis.
    T. Marrinan
    , T. Hasija, C. Lameiro, and P. J. Schreier.
    Proc. IEEE 26th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), (2018): 1082-1086.
    Code package available: Complete Model Selection in MCCA code
  10. Constrained subspace estimation via convex optimization.
    I. Santamaria, J. Via, M. Kirby, T. Marrinan, C. Peterson, and L. Scharf.
    Proc. IEEE 25th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), (2017): 1200-1204.
    Open Access PDF
  11. Grassmann, Flag, and Schubert Varieties in Applications.
    T. Marrinan
    Doctoral dissertation, Colorado State University (2017).
    Retrieved from
    Open Access PDF
  12. Adaptive Visual Sort and Summary of Micrographic Images of Nanoparticles for Forensic Analysis.
    E. Jurrus, N. Hodas, N. Baker, T. Marrinan, and M. Hoover.
    Proc. IEEE Symposium on Technologies for Homeland Security (HST), (2016).
  13. Flag-based Detection of Weak Gas Signatures in Long-Wave Infrared Hyperspectral Image Sequences.
    T. Marrinan, J.R. Beveridge, B. Draper, M. Kirby and C. Peterson.
    Proc. SPIE 9840: Algorithms and Technologies for Multispectral, Hyperspectral, and Ultraspectral Imagery XXII. (2016).
    Preprint PDF
  14. Flag Manifolds for the Characterization of Geometric Structure in Large Data Sets.
    T. Marrinan, J. R. Beveridge, B. Draper, M. Kirby, and C. Peterson.
    Proc. Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications-ENUMATH 2013. 103 (2015): 457-465.
    Open Access PDF
  15. Finding the subspace mean or median to fit your need.
    T. Marrinan, J. R. Beveridge, B. Draper, M. Kirby, and C. Peterson.
    Proc. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), (2014): 1082-1089.
    Open Access PDF
    Code package available: Subspace Mean and Median Toolkit (SuMMeT)
  16. A Flag Representation for Finite Collections of Subspaces of Mixed Dimensions.
    B. Draper, M. Kirby, J. Marks, T. Marrinan, and C. Peterson.
    Linear Algebra and its Applications 451 (2014): 15-32.
    Open Access PDF
  17. The Flag of Best Fit as a Representative for a Collection of Linear Subspaces.
    T. Marrinan.
    Master’s Thesis, Colorado State University (2013).
    Retrieved from
    Open Access PDF